What Percent of the World Speaks English?
You may be asking yourself, what percent of the world speaks English. You might not have considered the fact that English is the world’s most widely spoken language, but this question may be on your mind: How many countries speak English? English is the second most widely studied language, only behind Spanish. It is spoken in 118 countries and recognized as the official language in 59 more. Here’s the answer: 15%. English is widely used in business, and it is also the official language in many countries.
Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the world
Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the globe and has over 572 million native speakers. It ranks second behind Mandarin Chinese in native speakers, but fourth in total speakers. Spanish was originally spoken in Castile, Spain, and has since been spread throughout the world by conquistadors and Spanish explorers. Today, Spanish is mainly spoken in Latin America, Central America, and the Caribbean, though pockets of Spanish speakers can also be found in Southeast Asia and Africa.
English is the second most commonly studied language in the world
It is no wonder that English is the second most studied language in the world. With over one billion native speakers and more than 100 million people learning English every year, the language is one of the most popular languages in the world. English is even the official language of the skies, with all pilots required to speak and understand the language. English was made more versatile by Shakespeare, who added over 1,700 new words to the language. Shakespeare changed nouns into verbs and connected words. Unlike Spanish, English has a Latin or Germanic form for every concept.
It is spoken in 118 countries
Did you know that English is the world’s third-most-spoken language? It is used in everything from air travel announcements to street signs and train timetables. In countries with a different alphabet, English is widely spoken, so you can probably find some English speakers anywhere. And if you’re looking to improve your job prospects, learn English. It’s the language of business, commerce, government, and media.
It is recognized as an official language in 59 countries
English is a common language in many parts of the world. Currently, it is the official language of 59 nations. Many of these countries are a part of the Anglosphere, i.e., countries in which English is the primary or official language. This includes many British Overseas Territories. English is also used in many administrative divisions. The following chart shows which countries are official English speakers.
It is spoken in North America
The greatest political fact in modern times is the fact that North America speaks English. In this article we’ll explore some of the reasons that English is spoken in North America, and we’ll also look at some of the languages that are spoken in the region. In addition to English, the region has several other languages spoken by the general public. For example, the Gholan language is spoken by many people in the Caribbean islands. The Quechuan language is spoken in Peru and Colombia.
It is spoken in Oceania
English is the primary language of most of Oceania. Other languages spoken throughout the region include Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. Indigenous languages of Oceania are estimated to be 150. Besides English, these languages are also spoken in New Zealand and the countries of Mainland Southeast Asia, including Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. In addition, French is also the official language of French Polynesia. In New Caledonia, the language is called “Maori.”
It is spoken in Europe
The European Union includes a number of languages, many of which are widely spoken in the continent. There are six CEFR languages – A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1. Almost all of these are written with the Geaez script and use the Ethiopic alphabet. The other languages in the group are Indo-European languages. In Europe, there are several groups of these languages, including the Taino people, who speak 50,000 words of Patois, the most widely spoken language in Jamaica and the Dominican Republic.
It is spoken in Asia
Approximately 983 million people in the world speak English. The number of English-speakers varies greatly depending on country. Some sources say that 372 million people speak English as their first language, while others claim that as many as 25 percent of the world’s population speaks English. However, this percentage is difficult to determine because not all countries have accurate census data. Another problem with using census data is that it often doesn’t take into account the number of non-native speakers. The British Council estimates that up to 25 percent of the world’s population speaks some form of English, but the statistics don’t differentiate between simple phrase speakers and native speakers. One study by Science indicates that as early as the 19th century, English was spoken by 9 percent of the world’s population. However, it is difficult to know if there will be an English-speaking population in a
It is spoken in Germany
The number of people who speak English is high: nearly one billion people. Of these, around 375 million are native speakers and the rest speak it as a second language. The United States has the largest population of speakers of English, accounting for about a third of all native English speakers. In the 19th century, nine percent of the world’s population spoke English. Today, that number is between five and eight hundred million people.
It is spoken in France
The Gallo-Romance language, Occitan, is spoken throughout southern France. It dates back to the 10th century, and was originally used in poetry. In the late nineteenth century, a poet revived the language, and today it is spoken by about 610,000 people. There are seven dialects of Occitan, each of which is endangered. Here are some examples of French words used in Occitan.